Water Removal the Fast Way

24 HOUR SERVICE - CALL US AT 1-800-222-6815

Our experienced lineup of technitions have been trained in the most up to date methods of water removal from one room to an entire home and surrounding areas. Water which is allowed to collect can cause several harmful side effects which is unsafe not only to you and your family but to anyone who is exposed to any water which has been allowed to remain stagnant. 
Give our office a call and allow our curtious staff to help you in removing any water that is in your home.

You can reach us at 1-800 222-6815 if you are having any water, fire, smoke, sewage or mold problems!

Water Removal Tips

Water Removal from Sewage Back Up

Sewage water removal is a sophisticated procedure that requires a lot of attention to detail. When a sewer backs up it affects many aspects of your environment. It is nothing but solid waste carrying deadly viruses, bacteria, fungus, toxic chemicals, parasites, and other life threatening contaminates. Maybe this would be one of those times when you need to call in a professional, trained in dealing with the many related aspects of raw sewage water removal.

So the greatest of care should be given to this problem as soon as is possible. First you need to determine the cause of the blockage before you even attempt any water removal procedure. It could be so many different factors. The septic tank has not been maintained properly, a child has flushed an item through the toilet, or heavy rains have flooded the septic tank.

If the back up is due to heavy rainfall or soaked soil, you might dig a trench. Water removal can be performed by pulling the rain water away from the contaminated water. By relieving the saturation, you can minimize the amount of sewage you have to contend with. Often the tank has to be dug up and the raw sewage pumped into a holding tank to be disposed of in the appropriate sites.

Now let’s look at the different water removal problems and the best way to handle each. Heavy rain fall is one that is hard for us to prevent, but the tank can be pumped through the clean out drain. This is located at the tank with a screw on cap. This gives the plumber direct access to the septic tank. This will temporarily solve your problem, but to prevent future problems with rainfall or soggy soil, you might consider installing a drainage trench. This will allow the water to flow into an area that will reduce the risk of flooding your septic tank. Be sure to treat any areas that were contaminated by the raw sewage with disinfectants or treatment with anti-fungal products. Consult a professional on what product will best restore your yard to a safe place to inhabit.

If an object has been flushed through the toilet, often the toilet has to be removed to reach the object that is lodged, causing the sewage to back up. Turn off the water shut off valve going into the toilet before you attempt to remove it. It is also advisable to flush any water in the reserve tank. Often there is still water that will flow onto your floor I recommend that you place an absorbent material around the toilet to catch this water. This water shouldn’t be contaminated unless the sewage has backed up into the toilet. Use good judgment, when you are required to remove a toilet and remove an object.

The toilet has two sections: the first is the toilet base where the flushing water is held until needed. The second is the tank of water that rushes into the base aiding with a clean flush. There is a wax seal located where the base meets the floor. The second area is where the tank meets the base; this seal is made of rubber. Most objects that obstruct the sewerage flow from your toilet to the septic tank are located in the curved duct in the lower area of the toilet base. Sometimes you can use a plumber’s snake to dislodge the object preventing the need to disconnect the base or tank.

When dealing with sewage water removal, think safety first and think of expense last. These are the most important processes that you will need to make a priority.

Keep your home and yard safe for all that enter your world. Don’t risk their health to save a little money now. It could coat you more in the log run.

Water Removal Midland Park NJ,